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Green Lady Ghost

Menie House Balmedie Aberdeenshire Scotland

Menie House belonged to the Forbes family and dates back to the 18th Century.

Menie House Balmedie Aberdeen

It was built on the site of an ancient castle.

The cellar is reputed to be haunted by a Green Lady ghost.

Green Lady Ghost

Menie House (and the Green Lady Ghost!) now forms part of the Donald Trump Estate Golf Course in the Menie Estate and has been renamed MacLeod House.

The Golfing Resort is claimed to become the best in the World and will be called Trump International Golf Links. I hope the Green Lady doesn't put the golfers off their game!

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The Fence Aberdeen Zombie post apocalyptic military survival Novel Book

The Aberdeen skies are under attack from an enemy jet. It is spilling a strange yellow smoke. Minutes later, people start killing each other.
Former Royal Air Force Regiment Gunner Jason Harper witnesses this and then his wife, Pippa, telephones him, shouting that she needs him. They then get cut off. He sets straight out, unprepared for the nightmare that unfolds during his journey. Everyone seems to want to kill him.
Along the way, he pairs up with fellow survivor Imogen. But she enjoys killing the living dead far too much. Will she kill Jason in her blood thirst? Or will she hinder his journey through this zombie filled dystopian landscape to find his pregnant wife?
The Fence is the first in this series of post-apocalyptic military survival thrillers from the torturous mind of local horror and science fiction novel writer C.G. Buswell.

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Menie House was purchased in 1955 by the Lowdon family for £250. It was later sold with the surrounding land to American businessman Tom Griffin for £25,000 after lying empty for five years. In 2006 it was sold, along with the 800 acres of land, to businessman Donald Trump.

Menie House was then renamed MacLeod House in January 2009 by Donald Trump in memory of his Scottish mother Mary MacLeod who was born on the Isle of Lewis. The Estate will continue to be called the Menie Estate.

If developed the Trump International Golf Links at Balmedie will have two championship golf courses, a five star hotel, a golfing academy, a turf grass research centre and a mixed residential development. It will be the first golfing venture by Donald Trump in Europe and largely came about by the efforts of Scotland's First Minister Jack McConnell. It took five years of research by the Donald Trump Organisation and beat off competition from 200 other European sites.

Aberdeen Lynne Golden Retriever

Have you seen my beautiful golden retriever Lynne out and about in Aberdeen? Ask her for a high-five! She's a Bravehound PTSD assistance dog, so we'll often be in shops, restaurants, and the cinema together.

We've written a book where I talk about growing up in Aberdeen and then joining the army to be a medic and nurse, and developing military Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I also talk about losing my son to suicide and the therapy I have had at Royal Cornhill Hospital and grief support groups in Aberdeen.

The author, Damien Lewis, said of Lynne:

"A powerful account of what one dog means to one man on his road to recovery. Both heart-warming and life-affirming. Bravo Chris and Lynne. Bravo Bravehound."


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It is thought that Menie House Mansion may become the member's club house for Donald Trump International Golf Links. Let's hope it doesn't unsettle the green lady ghost!

For more information about the Donald Trump Golf Course Resort at Balmedie, Aberdeen, Scotland see the official website at
Aberdonians and visitors to Aberdeen can show their support to the Donald Trump proposals by visiting the Support Trump International Golf links Scotland website at the same url.

More ghost stories from Historic Houses in Aberdeenshire.

On Thursday 13 December Aberdeenshire Council sat to discuss the future of Menie House and Estate and the Trump development. Several days before the Scottish Government First Minister, Mr Alex Salmond, met Mr Donald Trump in his role as Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) Member of Scottish parliament (MSP) for the area.

Aberdeenshire Council backed the plans of the Trump estate which has affectionately been nicknames locally as Trumpland and Trumptown. This followed a high media campaign locally and internationally asking the Council to back the Trump plans. This included a petition in the local newspaper, The Evening Express, which also produced a free poster asking locals to back the Donald Trump golf centre in Balmedie.

During the Aberdeenshire Council meeting voted that future major planning applications in the North East be referred to the full 68 member Council rather than the 14 member Infrastructure Services Committee. Mr Martin Ford was voted down as Chairman of the ISC at the same Aberdeenshire Council meeting.

On Tuesday 4 December 2007 the Scottish Government took the unusual decision to rule on the Donald Trump plan for the Golfing estate at Menie House and Balmedie Beach. The Scottish Government called in the application, effectively taking control of the decisions despite the planning application being rejected by the Aberdeenshire Council Infrastructure Committee after a 7 to 7 vote that needed the casting vote of Liberal Democrat Mr martin Ford.

The Scottish Government recognised the unique importance of Donald Trumps plans in Aberdeen and sought to discuss them at a national level.

On the 29 November 2007 the Infrastructure Services Committee sat to decide on the plans of Menie House estate submitted by Mr Donald Trump. They cast a seven to seven vote and the casting vote was to decline the plans in their current form. It is hoped that Donald Trump may still appeal to the Scottish Government so that he can build his gold course in Balmedie in another form rather than leave Scotland.

On the 20 November 2007 the Formartine Area Committee Councillors sat at Balmedie Primary School and debated the benefits and disadvantages of the plans of the Donald Trump development at Balmedie and MenieHouse. The plans for the 1£ million development were passed by the councillors with a vote of 7 to 4.

This positive vote gave outline planning permission for the Menie Estate scheme. This is the first step towards the development of a golfing centre and golf course at Balmedie beach. The Aberdeenshire Council Infrastructure Services Committee (ISC) will now meet on Thursday 29 November 2007 to rule on the proposal because Mr Trump wants to build new housing in the estate.

The ISC will then give a decision on their willingness to approve the application by Mr Trump and then a decision has to be made by the Scottish Government because the plans affect the local development policy and there have been objections by the Scottish Natural Heritage.

Mr Donald Trump was unable to attend the meeting but his representative and Trump Development Director Mr George Sorial was in attendance and gave the good news directly to Mr Trump by mobile phone.

In September 2007 the Formartine Area Committee and Aberdeenshire councillors sat to decide on whether to allow planning permission for the Donald Trump £1 billion 18 hole golfing complex. They also went to Balmedie and Balmedie Beach for a site visit. A report was written by Lesley Aitken.

Donald Trump has proposed building an 18 hole golf course, a 450 bedroom hotel, 950, holiday homes, accommodation for 400 staff, 500 houses and a residential development area, 36 golf villas, a conference centre and spa.

The Committee and Councillors had to consider 105 objections and 327 letters of support. Other factors for consideration is the long term tourism attraction which may attract events such as the Ryder Cup or The British Open Championship. Much like the oil boom of the 1970s it is though that a Donald Trump golf centre would bring jobs and improve the Aberdeen economy. For example the construction alone would bring about 6000 jobs.

It is thought that the homes in the estate would cost between £400,000 and £1 million and the price of each house at the Aberdeen Donald Trump estate would include a green fee of £6000 for membership to the 18 hole golf course.

Opposition to Donald Trump's plans come from the RSPB and the Scottish Natural heritage because of the impact work would have on this site of special and scientific interest, especially the shifting sand dunes of Balmedie.
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