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Doric Dialect Accent Scottish Words and Phrases
Aberdeenshire Doric Dialect and how to speak it - a guide and dictionary to the many Aberdonian words and phrases and Scottish words and their English translation:
Doric is the dialect and local lingo spoken here in the North East of Scotland, especially around Aberdeen City and the County of Aberdeenshire.
Go to The Broch, the Fraserburgh area, to hear a broad accent of the Doric. You may wish to take an interpreter!
Spikkin Doric
More modern Doric words can be found in the book
Spikkin Doric
by Aberdeen author and Press and Journal journalist Norman Harper. For example Doric words include sclabdadder and foggietoddlers. Of interest to natives of the North East of Scotland Spikkin Doric breaks down Dopric phrases and words to regions of Banffshire, Buchan, Deeside, Donside, Formartine, Garioch, Mearns and Moray.
Buy Now with free delivery available.
Doric Film
In 2008 Aberdonian film maker Mark Stirton released the
Doric Film One Day Removals. It was set in Aberdeen and most of the acting cast were Aberdonians. They spoke the Doric dialect throughout the Doric film and when the film was released throughout the UK fellow Britians were introduced to the Doric dialect without subtitles! Read the full About Aberdeen review of the film on our
One Day Removals page.
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My new novel:
The Aberdeen skies are under attack from an enemy jet. It is spilling a strange yellow smoke. Minutes later, people start killing each other.
Former Royal Air Force Regiment Gunner Jason Harper witnesses this and then his wife, Pippa, telephones him, shouting that she needs him. They then get cut off. He sets straight out, unprepared for the nightmare that unfolds during his journey. Everyone seems to want to kill him.
Along the way, he pairs up with fellow survivor Imogen. But she enjoys killing the living dead far too much. Will she kill Jason in her blood thirst? Or will she hinder his journey through this zombie filled dystopian landscape to find his pregnant wife?
The Fence is the first in this series of post-apocalyptic military survival thrillers from the torturous mind of local horror and science fiction novel writer C.G. Buswell.
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Below is a list of commonly used Doric words and Doric phrases. After you have read them you should be able to read the latest Doric books which are a collection of P&J columns by Aberdonian
Robbie Shepherd and
Thi Lyfe An Tyme's O An Enshoar Loon: Doric Scot's 
which translates from Doric to English as The Life and Times of an Onshore Boy which is written by Gordon Morrison, a fisherman from Boddam village, just outside Peterhead.
Alternatively, use the guide below to the most common Aberdonian spoken words and Aberdeenshire Phrases:
Scottish Words
Doric English
Aabody Everybody
Aathing Everything
Aff Off
Affa Awfully
Aifter After
Aneth Underneath or below
Anither Another
Atween Between
Aye Yes
Aye-aye min Hello
Baith Both
Bairn A baby or young child
Banter To gossip or chat away or have a friendly tease
Bawbee The old Scots word for a half penny
Ben Down or through
Bide Stay
Biodag Dagger or dirk
Birl Spin
Birling Drinking Match
Bitcallant Lad
Black Affrontit Embarrassed
Bleeter To talk aimlessly
Bogle Wark Ghosly action
Bosie A cuddle or hug
Brakk Break
Bratch Female Dog
Braw Good, great
Brawly Well
Bydand Steadfast (The motto for the Gordon Highlanders)
Cantrips Magic spells and incantations
Caul Cold
Have you seen my beautiful golden retriever Lynne out and about in Aberdeen? Ask her for a high-five! She's a Bravehound PTSD assistance dog, so we'll often be in shops, restaurants, and the cinema together.
We've written a book where I talk about growing up in Aberdeen and then joining the army to be a medic and nurse, and developing military Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
I also talk about losing my son to suicide and the therapy I have had at Royal Cornhill Hospital and grief support groups in Aberdeen.
The author, Damien Lewis, said of Lynne:
"A powerful account of what one dog means to one man on his road to recovery. Both heart-warming and life-affirming. Bravo Chris and Lynne. Bravo Bravehound."
Buy the paperback.
An army veteran moves his family back to his Aberdeenshire home, but his nightmare neighbour starts a battle of wits with him. Who will win this One Last War?
Buy this latest novel by local author C.G. Buswell on
Kindle or
Advertise Here from just £70.
Clachneart Putting stone
Claik Gossip
Claes clothes
Clamjamfry Company or a mob
Clarsach Harp
Clart To put too much on something (also farm manure)
Clarty Dirty
Clype A Grass or Tell Tale
Coorse Coarse, to bully, be bad, difficult or nasty or to torment someone
Corrie Fister A left handed person
Cowk To retch or be sick
Craiter Creature
Deid Dead
Deray Uproar
Dhe God
Dinna Don't
Dinna Fash Yersel Do not fuss yourself
Dirdum Tumult
Dirled Vibrated
Div Do
Doited Foolish
Doon aboot the mou Fed up, depressed
Douche Kind or gentle
Dreich Cold, wet and windy
Drookit Drenched, soaking
Dyvour Bankrupt or debtor
Eese Use
Eneuch Enough
Fa's Who
Far Hiv Ye Bin? Where have you been?
Fash Trouble
Feadan The chanter which pipers practice with before playing the bagpipes
Feart Afraid
Feel Daft
Ficher Fumble
Fin When
Fit How
Fitbaa Football
Fit Like Hello, how are you?
Fit Wye Why
Fitya dee'in? What are you doing?
Fizzenless Feeble
Fleg Fright
Flitt To Remove
Flitting To move home
Foostie Stale or Rancid
Foos Yer Doos How are you doing
Forfauchan/Forfochan Exhausted
Futtret or Futret Weasel or Stoat (But Not Ferret)
Gads Horrible, Yucky
Galshiks and Smacherry (Sma-herry) both referred to the practice of buying lots of little sweets like Sports Mixtures, Bananas, Milk Mice, Milky or Caramel Chews, Aniseed Balls etc. from the local paper "shoppy"
Gangrel A tramp or vagrant
Ganzie Sweater, Jumper or Cardigan
Gash Grim or dismal
Gaun Going
Ging Go
Gipe Stupid (also spelt Gype)
Glisk Passing Glance
Glunching Frowning
Graned Groaned
Grat Wept
Guddle Mess
Gunkit Looking sulking or hostile
Gyan Going
Hale Whole
Hech Cry of surprise
Heid Head
Hirpling Limping
Ill Tricket Up to tricks
Ingins Onions
Jaloused Suspected
Jis Just
Joco Happy, Pleased with oneself
Ken Know
Leesome Lane Quite Alone (also Lee-lane)
Loanings Bypaths
Loon Boy
Lugs Ears
Maist Most
Mare more
Mear A Mare
Messages Shopping
Mettle Spirited
Min Man
Mockit Needs a good wash (In Dundee it is called Barkit)
Mony Many
Moulds Graves
Nae No
Nae Wye Nowhere
Neuk Corner
Neen None
Neep Turnip
Nivver Never
Nivver fash Do not worry
Orra A person who is considered a fool and dirty
Piobaireachad Bagpipe lament
Plat Plot of ground
Puckle A few
Pucklie A small amount
Quine Girl (sometimes spelt Quean)
Richt Right
Rikkin Smoking or steaming
Riped Searched
Riving Raging
Routh Abundance
Rudas Carlines Witches
Sair Sore
Scaffie A binman, collector of rubbish and trash
Scowp Run
Scunnered Fed Up
Scutter Delay
Semmitt and draa'ers Vest and pants
Siller Silver coin
Skail School
Skelloch Shriek
Skelpit Slapped or smacked
Sotter Mess
Spik Speak
Spikin Speaking
Sotter Mess
Speerings Inquiry
Spew Vomit
Stammygaster Astonishment
Steen Stone
Stelled Stuck
Stocious Drunk
Stooshie A fuss
Stot To bounce
Stotter Beautiful
Sup A small amount of liquid
Swicking Cheating
Telt Told
Teuchter Someone who lives in the countryside - Though some say this Doric word of Teuchter means son of a piper
The Morn Tomorrow, In the morning
Thirled Under obligation
Thocht Thought
Thole Suffer or tolerate
Thrapple Windpipe
Thrawn Distorted
Toon Town
Toonser Someone who lives in the town such as Aberdeen City
Toom Empty
Tumshie An Idiot
Tossue Ruffle
Trachled Exhausted
Trig Active
Twaa Two
Un'erstn Understand
Waabit Tired
Wanchancy Wicked
Weegie or Weegies What people from Aiberdeen (Aberdeen) call people from Glesga (Glasgow)
Whilk Mair Which more
Wifie Woman
Wintit Wanted
Yersel Yourself
Yett A gate, commonly for castles
The practice of adding a "y" to virtually any word or description is also recognised as very Aberdonian, eg shop to shoppy,
Buy the Scottish (Doric) Dictionary.
Each year there is a
Doric Festival which celebrates the Aberdonian accent and Doric dialect.
Throughout the years Aberdeenshire authors have embraced Doric and written many books in the Doric dialect which includes early Science Fiction and Fantasy by
George MacDonald and more recently Aesop's Fables and a Scot's Bible by 21st Century author
Robert Stephen. More recent Doric authors include
George Morrison who wrote Thi Lyfe An Tyme's O An Enshoar Loon: Scot's Doric in 2006.
Many journalists in Aberdeen write columns in Doric. The funniest is Mo Simpson in the Evening Express who punctuates her wit with Doric words and phrases.
Buy Doric books:
Buy the Book Teach Yourself Doric: A Course for Beginners.
Doric Ditties
Doric Ditties is a wonderful service by Aberdonian Alison Skinner who now lives in Portknockie, Buckie and creates unique and personalised Doric poems for special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, to celebrate the birth of a new baby, christenings, graduation, Mother's Day, Father's Day, St Valentine’s Day and corporate events. In addition to personalised Doric poetry Doric Ditties can enhance your photographs with attractive graphics to create a unique gift and memento.
Doric Ditties sell a range of Doric gifts such as photo poems which are original readymade poems that feature original photographs, on a variety of themes. For example some of the photo poems show the beautiful Moray Coast of Scotland whilst others are a range of quirky and animal photo poems.
For more information about Doric Ditties please visit www.doricditties.com
About Aberdeen asked Alison to write an example of Doric poetry for our website and here is her beautiful Doric poem:
Aboot Aiberdeen
Fit his Aiberdeen
That maks it unique
Attractin’ visitors fae afar
Tae come an’ hae a peek?
Is’t a’ oor bonnie granite
Glitterin’ in the sun?
Or the endless options
Tae step oot an’ hae fun?
Fit aboot a stroll
The length o’ Union Street?
Shop till yer hairt’s content
Purse teemed an’ sair feet
Or tak’ in a show
At His Majesty’s Theatre
A musical or drama
Fit cwid be neater?
Or indulge yer taste
In the finest o’ dinin’
International cuisine
Will hae tastebuds pinin’
There’s loads tae see
For a history buff
Wi’ hooses an’ castles
There’s mair than enough
If ye lik’ tae play golf
There’s courses a’ roon
Museums an’ galleries
Throughoot the toon
The Duthie Park
Is a favourite place
Tae unwind an’ relax
An’ drap doon the pace
Ye’re sure tae fin’
Plenty tae dee
So bring faimilies an’ freens
Come visit an’ see!
©doricditties 2011
Doric Lord's Prayer
Shoppers in Aberdeen Belvidere Gallery in Rosemount Place can purchase a framed copy of the
Doric Lord's Prayer. It was written by Peter Fraser originally for the Midstocket Church magazine and is now proving popular as a Fathers Day gift when it went on sale in June 2008. Some of the proceeds of the sale of each framed Doric Lord's Prayer is donated to the Midstocket Church. The Doric Lord's Prayer starts as Oor Faither.
Doric Lift Voice
In 2006 Aberdeen Hotel The Carmelite recorded a special Doric voice for their lift. They asked Aberdonians to phone in to a competition and say a few words and a poem in Doric. The winner was Aberdeen window cleaning business owner Steve Taylor. Many guests of the Carmelite Hotel have commented on how friendly and welcoming the lift sounds! Phrases said by the lift include Welcome To Carmelite, Doors Opening and Lift Going Up (Gyan Up), Lift Going Down (Gyan Doon) atween flairs een and fower!
Gaelic Classes
Aberdeen Gaelic Club are running Gaelic language evening classes for beginner and intermediate level students commencing 8 September 2009. The Gaelic classes will be held in Harlaw Academy, Aberdeen and will run for ten weeks. The Club will also hold a Gaelic language weekend course catering for beginner, intermediate and advanced level students in Harlaw Academy on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 September 2009. For registration forms or further details of the Gaelic classes please e-mail clubgaidhligATgooglemail.com or call 0777 939 8289.
Doric TV Comedy Aberdeen Darts Team
In August 2007 actor, director and writer David McKay from Glasgow revealed that he is writing a Doric TV comedy series based on an Aberdeen darts team. David McKay has appeared on TV and films many times and Scottish viewers may remember him as Screech the nephew of Rab C Nesbitt on BBC 2 and as a soldier in the Mel Gibson film Braveheart. David McKay also appeared as Bacio in Ae Fond Kiss, McTaggart in Shoebox Zoe and Tony McCreary in Hamish MacBeth. Other film roles include Frankie in As Far As You've Come, Dougy in Once Upon A Time In The Midlands, Liam in My Name Is Joe, an Informer in Les Miserables, Malcie in Looking After Jo Jo, Wee Archie in Hard Nut: A Love Story,
The TV appearances of David McKay also include Nightlife as Steve, Red Shoe Diaries as the Photographer, Bad Boys as Dodie, The Girl in the Picture as Ken and in Stookie as Stookie Doyle.
David McKay has also worked as a director and directed the TV series High Life about life in a Scottish high rise flat. He has also directed episodes of The Basil Brush Show, Tinsel Town, My Parents Are Aliens and Caesar. His writing credits include Caesar and Tinsel Town.
David McKay lived in Aberdeen in the early 1980s and draws on his real life experiences for episodes of the Aberdonian darts team TV Doric comedy.
Grampian Police Doric Ban
In June 2007 Grampian police officers were requested not to speak the Doric dialect of the Mither Tongue when using their radios. This was because they had a new UK wide radio system called Airwave. The Grampian Police Doric ban is aimed to make communication easier and readily understood throughout the country and other regions have been told to use standard English rather than local dialects. As an example there was 50 ways to say yes reported throughout the UK.
Doric Poem
In June 2007 Aberdeen school pupils were encouraged to contribute Doric poems for inclusion into a new Doric poetry book. It was part of the Aberdeen Reading Bus scheme to celebrate the Scots language and Doric verse.
In August the readingbus mobile library took to the streets of Aberdeen to increase interest in the Doric dialect and the new Doric book that is being written. Sheena Blackhall, an Aberdeen author and the MSP Maureen Watt launched the dialect show. Maureen Watt was the first member of the Scottish parliament to take an oath at the parliament in the Doric dialect.
Fit Like Yer Majesty?
This Doric poems book called Fit Like Yer Majesty? was published in September 2008. It was launched at
Fyvie Castle with celebrities such as the Bridge of Don loon and Doric radio broadcaster
Robbie Shepherd, actress
Joyce Falconer from Torry, author and storyteller Sheena Blackhall, Stephen Robertson from
Scotland The What? and fiddler Paul Anderson from Tarland. They were joined by local schoolchildren.
Fit Like Yer Majesty? was compiled by children aged from 14 and adults up to 92 years. The artwork for Fit Like Yer Majesty? was produced by artist and illustrator Bob Dewar who used to work at DC Thomson for the Beano and Dennis the Menace.
Also in attendance at the launch was Schools Minister Maureen Watt who wrote the foreword for Fit Like Yer Majesty?
Fit Like Yer Majesty? is only available locally in book shops like Waterstones or to buy online at www.readingbus.co.uk it is hoped that it will be available from Tesco stores throughout Aberdeenshire soon.
On Monday 17 September 2007 MSP Maureen Watt helped to launch a Doric language DVD made by the Aberdeen Family Learning Team project.
Another Doric Poem in the news in 2007 was the winner of the Banffshire Maritime Heritage Association poetry and writing competition in September. James Johnson of Portsoy won the adult category for his Doric Poem The Fisherman's Bairn. He received his cash prize and trophy from Banff and Buchan MSP Stewart Stevenson.
Torry Doric Classes
An initiative in the district of Torry in Aberdeen sees locals teach Polish people Doric words of the Mither Tongue during Torry Doric classes so that they can feel at home in Aberdeen City and understand the local lingo a bit better. Funding for the Torry project was given by Aberdeen City Council because it united the community and reduced tension between the Polish people and Aberdonians. Funds of £4,000 were allocated from the National Priorities Action Fund. The Torry Doric classes are run by Iwona Lamb of Bridge of Don who came to Aberdeen from Poland in the 1970s. She already had Polish relatives in Scotland who has settled after World War Two. The group is called The Polish Ladies Group and meets at the Tullos Community Centre in Girdleness Road, Torry, Aberdeen each Wednesday morning from 9:30 am to 11:30am.
Polish Language Lessons
Other language initiatives in Torry include Polish language lessons to teach immigrant workers and their families English. The same group, East English Aberdeen, also provides a Polish language class for Aberdonians. Many health care workers and police force members take part in the Polish lessons to assist Poles in an emergency. Qualified tutors include Andrea Robertson, Erica Wallace and Margaret Morrison.